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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti Puts Things into Perspective

We have all caught glimpses of the devastation caused by recent earthquakes in Haiti. Buildings have crashed like houses of cards in a windstorm. Bodies lie in mass graves. Survivors mourn. Men, women, and children walk aimlessly in the streets. Searchers comb the debris for signs of life. Countless thousands lie injured or near death in makeshift medical areas.

And we complain when service is slow in a restaurant or a checkout line is long? when the mail arrives late? when our cable TV is interrupted for a few minutes? when we catch a cold? when we have to work overtime? when we hit a pothole? Perhaps the images of despair, destruction, and death coming from Haiti will end our complaining and persuade us to count our blessings. Let’s thank God for a comfortable home, an abundance of food, ample clothing, accessible health care—and most of all, our loved ones.

We ought to pray for the Haitians and praise the Lord for what His hand of grace has bestowed on us.