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Friday, March 14, 2008

Weather Forecasting

Predicting the weather in Colorado is not an exact science. Often, I think it is neither a science nor exact. Years ago, a TV weatherman in Denver gave us fairly accurate forecasts, but he died, and apparently accurate forecasts died with him. He based his weather predictions on the position of cattle in the fields. If they were standing, he predicted good weather. If they were lying down, he predicted bad weather. Perhaps meteorologists should not spend so much time in front of their radar screens. Frequent trips to our cattle ranches might produce more accurate weather forecasts.

Last night, one TV weather prognosticator pointed out that heavy snow was falling in the nearby mountain communities but flowers were blooming in his Front Range city. Here in Colorado Springs, our weather “prophets” assured us the mountains would receive heavy snow but we would have only “fast-moving passing showers.” Well, the “fast-moving, passing showers” stalled over our city and morphed into heavy white now. Four inches of snow arrived overnight, and it is still snowing. Today’s snowfall is the heaviest one this year.

So much for accurate weather forecasts! I have decided to give them as much credibility as the yearly prediction that the Broncos will win the Super Bowl. Now, if the cattle stand up for 30 days without lying down, the Broncos might play in the 2009 big game.

Unlike weather forecasts, Biblical prophecy enjoys a 100 percent accuracy rating. Have you read Psalm 22 recently? Written about 1,000 years before the birth of Jesus, it accurately predicts the Crucifixion. It forecasts Jesus’ physical sufferings and even describes the insults His adversaries would throw at Him and the casting of lots for His garments.

But Psalm 22 also predicts Jesus’ resurrection and future kingdom. Someday, He will receive universal worship, and the nations will submit to His rule. The cross sealed our redemption and secured Jesus’ right to reign.

As I look out my window at the unexpected snow piling up, I rejoice in the credibility of prophetic Scripture.

Now, I have to grab a shovel and clear the driveway and sidewalk. I predict some aching muscles will develop while cattle are lying down on nearby ranches.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Our mid-week Bible study last night was interesting. Among other topics related to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we discussed inspiration. I shared my conviction that the Scriptures are inspired (2 Tim. 3:16), but the writers were guided or moved along or carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21). By superintending the writing of inspired Scripture, the Holy Spirit made sure the writers did not include in the writing of Scripture what should have been excluded nor did they exclude anything that should have been included. As a result, The Bible, not men, is the locus of truth. Those godly writers of Scripture are all dead, but God’s truth—His Word—lives today and forever (1 Pet. 1:23).

Is this distinction important? I believe it is. The Church needs to understand that the Bible is the sole authority for faith and practice. What good men say from the pulpit is usually valuable, but what the Bible says is supremely valuable. Good men may err; the Bible never errs. Good men may disappoint us; the Bible never disappoints us.

Who can deny we need more of “Thus says the Lord” in these troubled times and less of “Thus says Dr. Soundingbrass”?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Old Book for a New Day

The Bible is foreign to thousands of Americans. Many parents have never read Bible stories to their children. Gideons are restricted from distributing New Testaments in public school classes. Often, teachers misinterpret the principle of separation of church and state to mean the Bible has no place in public education. In reality, they can include it in the curriculum as a valuable resource for understanding our nation’s history, laws, and literature. TV shows that include Bible questions must keep the questions simple. Although contestants are often well versed in the arts and entertainment, science, business, and literature, they frequently can’t identify Luke as one of the four Gospels or distinguish between Moses and Noah. Many adults perceive the Bible as dry, boring, contradictory, and obsolete, when in reality it is refreshing, vibrant, flawless, and relevant.

Daniel Webster advised: “If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper, but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury our glory in profound obscurity.”

Americans are listening daily to presidential candidates and forming personal judgments about them, but our nation’s greatness and security depends mainly on our decision to honor God and His Word. “Righteousness exalts a nation” (Proverbs 14:34).

Monday, March 10, 2008

Two Good Days in a Row

Yesterday was a good day. A 20-year-old woman responded to the sermon by accepting Christ as her Savior. A couple in our church had met her in Colorado Springs, where she was homeless and hungry. They bought her groceries, shared the gospel with her, and let her know how she could contact them if she needed further help. When she contacted them, they took her into their home.
She will be returning home to North Dakota this week, so please pray that she will find strong spiritual support there.

Today was a good day. I finished writing a VBS course for 5th and 6th graders. It was quite a stretch, because I am accustomed to writing for adults. Nevertheless, I think the course includes solid Bible teaching and many fun-filled activities that will help kids trust in Christ and obey Him.

Although the satisfaction of completing the VBS assignment is a reward in itself, I plan to reward myself with a game of golf tomorrow. I hope tomorrow is a good day too.