Yesterday, the pastor paid tribute to a WW2 veteran in the congregation. He had participated in the landing at Omaha Beach. All Americans owe him and every member of the Armed Forces a debt of gratitude. Because of the sacrifices of our military men and women past and present, we enjoy freedom. On this Memorial Day we remember our fallen heroes and salute those who stand between us and our enemies. May God bless them, and may He keep us free!
Although freedom from political tyranny is highly prized, freedom from sin’s domination and penalty is invaluable. Christians enjoy this freedom because Jesus voluntarily laid down His life for us. He shed His blood on the cross to redeem us—set us free—from sin. And then He arose from the dead to prove His sacrifice was fully sufficient. Today and every day we should remember His sacrifice and recall His words, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). The apostle John, who recorded those freedom words also wrote this tribute to Jesus: “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood . . . to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen” (Revelation 1:5, 6).
And all God’s people said . . .