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Saturday, September 19, 2009


Proverbs 17:17 says a friend loves at all times. Obviously then, Job’s friends were not true friends. When he struggled with horrific trials, his “friends” added insult to injury by telling him the trials had resulted from some sin he had committed. Ultimately, God vindicated Job and told Job’s friends His wrath was kindled against them, He ordered them to offer sacrifices. He also told them Job would pray for them.

Who needs friends like Job’s friends? But “friends” can disappoint us in other ways. They can become “invisible” when we undergo a trial. They can be silent when they should speak up on our behalf. They can befriend us when they wish to use us—when they think we can benefit them—but break communication when we are no longer able to help them get what they want.

I am grateful for friends who stay in touch for no other reason than to let me know they are thinking of me and praying for me. Some of my most cherished friends are members of churches I pastored almost 50 years ago. They have grown old, but their friendship hasn’t died. Other friends served as fellow editors in publishing houses. A few of my friends are golf buddies.

My greatest Friend—and yours— is the Lord Jesus. He is not a fair-weather friend, but a true friend. He will never abandon me or you. Our friendship grows sweeter as the years go by, and the best is yet to be.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Time to Bark

Sadie, our Coton, barks excessively when something is added or changed in the house. Seasonal decorations catch her attention immediately. So does rearranged furniture. Sunday, after church, I removed my tie and draped it over a room divider. Sadie reacted by staring at the tie and barking loudly. The barking stopped as soon as I removed the tie.

Strange, isn't it, that churches that once preached the gospel and taught the full counsel of God slipped into theological liberalism. I'm sure Christians in those churches saw the incremental changes and disliked them, but no one "barked." Silence isn't always golden. Sometimes it is just plain yellow! If a pastor, a Sunday school teacher, a professor, or a publisher introduces a false doctrine, we should "bark" until it is removed.

Some changes are beneficial, but Bible truth is perfect and therefore requires no changes. Let's contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints (Jude 3).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Colorado Springs Christian Moment

A young male cashier at Country Buffet handed me a lunch receipt and asked Gloria and me, “Do you know what’s the best thing about eating here today?”

“That you’re here?” I guessed.

“No. The best thing is God loves you.”

“We know that,” Gloria replied, “and we love Him too.”

“I’m glad Country Buffet lets you say that,” I said to the young man.

He replied, “I don’t know if they would let me say it. I just say what’s in my heart.”

It was another of those Colorado Springs Christian moments, and it was refreshing. Wouldn’t it be equally refreshing to share God’s love beyond Colorado Springs or wherever you live? The whole world needs to know that God loves everyone—and demonstrated His personal love for everyone by giving His Son for us (John 3:16).

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Good Weekend

It was a good weekend. Our daughter Sherrie and son-in-law Jim purchased a tiny male Bichon rescue dog from the Humane Society. I am happy to report it has settled in as a member of the family alongside three other rescue dogs that are Chinese Cresteds. Of course, like the others, he will accept lavish attention without a whimper.

Sunday morning I preached at Calvary Bible Church, Colorado Springs, to an exceptionally large crowd. The fact that the Broncos-Bengals game was televised at 11:00 a.m. did nothing to keep people from church. My topic, “The Grand Finale of History,” based on Revelation 19:1—20:3 focused on our Lord’s future return in glory to seize control of our planet from the hands of evildoers and to establish His righteous rule over all the Earth. The change He will introduce at that time inspires genuine hope in our hearts now.

By the way, the Broncos beat the Bengals in a surprise ending. With 11 seconds remaining in the game, a tipped pass landed in Brandon Stokley’s arms. He ran into the end zone, completing an 87-yard touchdown.

Yes, it was a good weekend, a very good weekend.