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Monday, April 21, 2008


The wildfire that had closed the highway I take to Penrose for church is open again. Yesterday morning, on our way to church, Gloria and I witnessed the devastation. Trees, shrubs, and grass have been reduced to a blackened, scorched landscape. We could see the fire had advanced to the east side of the highway. But a prevailing wind from the west had spared the trees, shrubs, fields, and houses on the west side of the highway.

This stark contrast brought to mind the difference the cross makes. All who reject Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, will experience the fire of God’s judgment, but all who receive Him will escape the judgment. The first group will spend eternity separated from God in dreadful darkness. The second group will enjoy God’s presence forever and the indescribable beauty of Heaven.

My comments about grammar brought a request from a member of my ’57 graduating class of Moody Bible Institute. She asked me to cite the difference between healthy and healthful because of the common reference to healthy food. So here is the difference. If we eat healthful food, we are likely to be healthy. Food can’t be healthy, even if it pumps iron!

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