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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Governor Sarah Palin Speaks Tonight

I would like to watch Governor Sarah Palin deliver her speech this evening, but I will be leading the midweek service at Penrose when she steps to the podium. Undoubtedly her speech will be historic! Never underestimate the tenacity, wisdom, and skills of a wife and mother. Frankly, I have heard some pastors’ wives whose ability to speak clearly and persuasively outclassed that of their husbands.

Amid all the political TV ads and heated exchanges, two significant facts resonate in my mind: (1) God is in control, and (2) someday Jesus will rule the Earth. The first fact helps me deal with current political, social, and economic conditions patiently. The second helps me anticipate a better world, one in which righteousness, peace, and prosperity will prevail.

Obviously, Jesus' name won’t be on the November ballot, but I plan to vote for the ticket that most closely conforms to the values Jesus communicated in Scripture.

God bless the USA!

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