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Monday, November 10, 2008

American Idols

Our economy is not rock solid, but God’s promises are. He has promised to meet our daily needs and all our needs. Banks may fail, but the Bank of Heaven will never fail. Our trust is in God and in His Word, but where does the unbeliever place his trust? In Wall Street? In the Government? In himself?

Three times Psalm 115 identifies God as His people’s help and shield and therefore worthy of our trust (vv. 9, 10, 11). This psalm also depicts idols as the “work of men’s hands” (v. 4) and incapable of speaking, seeing, hearing, smelling, handling, and walking. In other words, idols are untrustworthy.

Perhaps our bad economy serves notice that money and things are untrustworthy idols. They don’t see those who trust in them. Nor do they answer the cries of those who trust in them. They cannot handle personal crises or walk alongside their worshipers in the valley of despair.

Granted, even Christians have put their trust in money and material possessions. It is time to direct our trust away from those idols and anchor it in the living and true God, as the Thessalonian believers did twenty centuries ago. They turned to God from idols, were serving the living and true God, and were waiting for His Son from heaven (1 Thess. 1:9, 10).

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