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Tuesday, December 23, 2008


What a surprise: my Houghton College roommate from 1958 found me on Facebook and reconnected. Ernie and I had lost track of each other about 40 years ago, so we have lots of updating to do. Fortunately, we may meet again if he and his wife come to Colorado from Rhode Island next year.

As college students, Ernie and I worked for about 80 cents an hour hauling rocks from a creek and carrying them up a ladder for our boss to place on our dorm’s exterior. After graduating from Houghton, Ernie studied at Moody Bible Institute. I had graduated from Moody before attending Houghton. Later, Ernie became a high school science teacher, and I became a pastor/editor.

Friendship is worth reestablishing at any age, but doing so becomes especially meaningful when friends are in life’s golden years. So many of my friends have already passed into eternity. Of course, Christian friendship extends into eternity. Someday, in Heaven, Christian friends will enjoy a lasting bond of fellowship. Perhaps we will share our stories and discuss God’s goodness—and we will have plenty of time to do so. Best of all, we will never have to say good-by.

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