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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jesus Died and Arose for Us

“He [Jesus] was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification” (Romans 4:25).

At dawn on the first day of the week, two women named Mary visited Jesus’ tomb. According to Luke 24:2 they were carrying spices. They were expecting to anoint Jesus’ body, but they encountered what they would never have expected. The tomb was empty. Jesus had risen, and an angel was sitting on the stone he had rolled away from the mouth of the tomb!

Those who guarded the tomb were petrified, and the arriving women must have been more than a little afraid too. However, the angel told them not to fear because Jesus had risen, just as He had promised. “Come and see the place where he lay,” the angel instructed (Matthew 28:6).

The empty tomb stands as a testimonial to the deity of Jesus Christ. No mere mortal could rise from the dead. It also serves as evidence that God accepted Jesus’ payment for our sins on the cross. By shedding His blood for us Jesus gained our justification, a right standing in God’s sight. God sees believers as eternally forgiven and righteous in Christ.

No religion can claim a risen founder, but Christianity is different. Christians rest their faith on a Savior who died and rose again.

An empty tomb provides proof that we too shall live. Jesus Himself said, “Because I live, you also will live” (John 14:19).

Nothing is too hard for our living Lord. After all, He arose from the dead!

By Jim Dyet © 2008. "Jesus Cares" (Anchor, Haven Ministries)

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