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Sunday, June 7, 2009

51st Anniversary

Gloria and I are celebrating our 51st Wedding Anniversary today. We tied the knot June 7, 1958 in Alexandria, Virginia, five days after I graduated from Houghton College, Houghton, New York. We met when we were students at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.

I am still a work in progress, but Gloria is patient. She has accompanied from pastorate to pastorate and publishing house to publishing house, from Ontario, to New York State, to Pennsylvania, to Indiana, to Colorado, to Illinois, and back to Colorado. Since I “retired,” she has accompanied me to churches throughout Colorado where I have ministered as an interim pastor or pulpit supply. She deserves a lot of credit for not only traveling with me but also for sitting through my sermons.

We are both grateful to the Lord for saving us and giving us a purposeful, happy life.

The testimony, “He led them forth by the right way” (Psalm 107:7), applies to Israel, but it aptly describes how the Lord has led Gloria and me for 51 years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy, Happy anniversary to you both! How exciting. What a great testimony to us whipper snappers! jeje

My parents are on their way out west! I can´t believe it. they are so happy! I am so happy for them.