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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Culture Squeeze

According to Romans 1 and 2, Christians should dedicate body and mind to God. But the world combats this dedication by trying to squeeze us into its mold. Godless culture opposes right thinking, right behavior, and right speaking.

 We don’t hear much about worldliness, do we? It seems many churches pattern themselves after the culture instead of distinguishing themselves from the culture. Too often, our light is about as bright as the lowest place in a deep cave. Instead of displaying Christian values, interests, and goals, we let the culture form our values, interests, and goals. We think like the culture, act like the culture, and talk like the culture.

 At the risk of sounding old-fashioned, may I urge you to consider what kinds of shows you watch? What you program into your mind will surface in what you do and say. Are your deeds and words wholesome?

Saying “O my G—“ is never right regardless of how often movies and TV shows blast the expression at viewers. Minced oaths, too, do not belong in a Christian’s vocabulary. They aren’t exactly swear words, but they are coined substitutes that sound like swear words. If we have developed the habit of using minced oaths, it is time to kick the habit. The practice of reading and meditating on God’s Word cleanses the heart and mind and programs us to honor God in what we think, do, and say. The psalmist prayed, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD. My strength and my Redeemer (Psalm 19:14).


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