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Monday, November 5, 2007

First Day of Interim Ministry in Penrose

Yesterday was another glorious Colorado day. The sky was deep blue and the sun shone brightly. The temperature reached into the 70s by the time the morning service ended and the people drove to a family’s spacious property for a cookout.
The food and fellowship were excellent, and the hosts’ talented son provided a spectacular demonstration of dirt bike aerobatics. Time after time, he sped up a ramp, soared high over a ridge, and landed perfectly in a short landing area. It was quite a sight!
What a friendly, receptive group of believers welcomed me to Beaver Park Friends Church in Penrose for my first Sunday as interim pastor! I look forward to getting to know everyone better.
I would appreciate your prayers for spiritual and numeric growth as the congregation and I partner together to share the gospel in Penrose and beyond.
I am grateful Jesus affirmed His unlimited authority when He gave the Great Commission. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . . “ (Matthew 28:18. 19). The command to “go” is vital to the success of the gospel ministry, and having received authority to go, we cannot be silent.

1 comment:

Carol Wilson said...

Beautiful! Where else on earth is the sky so blue? May God give much joy and blessing to the Friends at Penrose and to you as you minister to them.