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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Walk This Way!

Enoch was the only member of Seth’s godly line who escaped death in the Age of Conscience. Genesis 5:21–24 reports that he walked with God until one day God took him. Even parental responsibilities didn’t deter Enoch from walking with God. Verse 22 indicates he walked with God for 300 years after fathering Methuselah and other sons and daughters. At age 365, Enoch’s walk with God rose to its highest level—Heaven.

After returning from a trip to the Holy Land, a Christian told a friend how thrilling it was to walk where Jesus walked centuries earlier. He added, "Only one thing is better than walking where Jesus walked long ago; that is to walk with Jesus today.”

You and I may not be able to tour the Holy Land and walk where Jesus walked, but we can walk with Him today and every day.

May we enjoy such a walk now and anticipate our future walk with Him in Heaven.

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