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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Not Patient Yet!

I will never write a book title Patience and How I attained it. I get exasperated on a golf course waiting for a slow foursome to get out of my range. I shuffle nervously in a checkout lane. I sigh repeatedly waiting for a traffic light to turn from red to green. I find it difficult to wait for people to fill the pews in the church I am serving as interim pastor.

My wife is much more patient. She loves crossword puzzles and takes whatever time she needs to complete each one. She completed an intricate jigsaw puzzle a while ago. The picture was that of a princess kissing a frog. The puzzle was far from user friendly, because the pieces were tiny and the color scheme was complex. But she patiently persevered. If the task of assembling that puzzle had been mine, the princess and the frog would never have met.

Fortunately for us, God is patient (2 Peter 3:9). He waited patiently for us to trust in His Son, and now He works patiently in our lives to lead us to spiritual maturity. In many ways, you and I resemble Peter, the disciple who often engaged his mouth in high gear while his mind was in neutral. He often spoke too soon, acted prematurely, and presumed to tell the Lord what He should do and not do. However, the Lord patiently molded Peter into a spiritually mature leader. So there is hope for us.

I don’t plan to purchase a crossword-puzzle book or a 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, but I am going to try to be more patient.

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