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Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Rainy Day

Rain and hail were falling this morning when I let the dogs out. This weather phenomenon caught their attention. Rosie, our toy poodle, hesitated briefly before venturing out. Sadie, our coton, went out tongue first. Like a little kid trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue, Sadie tried to catch raindrops. Molly, our Maltese, refused to go out until I put on a coat and hat and led the way. The weather prognosticators are predicting rain for the rest of the day. I can’t remember our having a full day of rain in recent years. The moisture will help to revive brown lawns throughout the city.

I played golf yesterday for the first time in a month, but I didn’t play well. My timing was off, and my putting was inconsistent. Nevertheless, the four hours spent on the course were enjoyable. I played with my real estate friend, his brother-in-law who just returned from another trip to Jordan, and my neighbor across the street. The course is situated on Fort Carson, an Army post, which may explain why so many golfers play left, right, left, right, left.

Shortly after arriving home, I received a phone call from David in Ontario, Canada. I hadn’t heard from him in more than 50 years. We attended the same church when we were teenagers, and every New Year’s Eve after a watch night service all of us youth group members would gather in David’s parents’ home for games and good food. The parents had a Mennonite background and knew how to prepare Neujahrskuchen and other delectables. David served for many years as a prison chaplain and later headed up Ontario’s chaplaincy program. Retired now, he enjoys sailing near Toronto on Lake Ontario.

Gloria’s sister Dawn is flying here today from D.C. so she can attend our 50th wedding anniversary Saturday. She wasn’t around for our wedding, because she is younger than our daughter Sherrie. I predict lively conversation will fill the Dyet home during the next few days.

As the rain continues to fall in Colorado today, may you enjoy showers of blessing in your life!

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