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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Can We Bring Back the Yo-Yo?

Most of us owned a yo-yo when we were kids. We could buy a fairly good one at any five and dime store (Remember the five and dime?). We carried our yo-yos to school and practiced neat tricks at recess. After school we tried to perfect our skills while trying out a new trick Johnny or Sally had demonstrated. Occasionally, we got to watch a yo-yo expert work his magic.

Did you master the Sleeper? How about Walking the Dog, Around the World, or Rock the Cradle? A kid could really get wrapped up in his hobby with Rock the Cradle.

Yo-yos were introduced by Donald Duncan in1928 and made popular when hundreds of yo-yo men toured America and wowed us with their tricks.

When did the yo-yo go the way of the dinosaur? Did we become so sophisticated that a yo-yo could no longer entertain us? Did electronic toys kill the yo-yo?

Kids today go wild over “hot” video games. You hardly ever see a yo-yo string on a kid’s finger, but you often see a flurry of thumbs massaging hand-held video games or a wire running from a hip to a plug in an ear. Most kids like their music loud, and some like their games violent and sexually graphic. Is it any wonder violence plagues our schools and communities? The yo-yo may never return to its glory days, nor will our schools and streets return to the safety and innocence that accompanied the yo-yo era. But many of us may find a tugging at our heart strings for a return to a simpler life.

Like the yo-yo, a simple faith may be in danger of passing away. Secularism, skepticism, egoism, and materialism vie for people’s allegiance in the post-modern age. An avalanche of anti-Christian books, TV programs, and movies attack the Bible and morals. But we can withstand every attack on our faith, if we cling to the basics: The Bible is God’s Word, Jesus is the living Son of God, and He is the only way to go to heaven.

If you haven’t “walked the dog” recently, why not dust off that old yo-yo and give it a good try? And if you haven’t read the Bible recently, why not dust it off and give it a good reading?

© 2008, Jim Dyet

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