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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Lord Is Good

I received an unsettling biopsy report yesterday. Tomorrow, my doctor and I will discuss treatment options.

Soon after becoming a Christian in 1952, I came across Nahum 1:7, a verse that has bolstered my faith many times. Here it is in KJV, the almost universally used version of the Bible back then. “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.” Looking at this verse from a sermonic perspective, I would point out:

The Lord’s Grace Is Plenteous: “The Lord is good.”
The Lord’s Presence Is Protective: “a strong hold in the day of trouble”
The Lord’s Love Is Personal: “he knoweth them that trust in him”

Nothing today or tomorrow may bring lies beyond the Lord’s knowledge. Nothing thwarts His purpose for us. Nothing overturns His love for us.

A boy in Sunday school misquoted Psalm 23:1. He said, “The Lord is my shepherd, I’ve got all I want.” We may criticize his memorization, but we cannot fault his theology.

1 comment:

Jim Marr said...


A year ago about this time, I received an unsettling biopsy report as well. Now, I must remind myself that I used to have cancer (through God's healing work and the amazing technology He has enabled us to discover). Then there was an "accidental" discovery of a lung spot that after several x-rays and a couple CT scans over 6-months is still being declared some sort of scar tissue.

In all of this I continue to thank God for His healing and strength through times of trial and times of victory.

Likewise, I pray with you now for God to be God and for your trust in Him to grow stronger through everything!
