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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Does Anybody Care?

Does it seem to you that the world is growing rather impersonal and uncaring? To beef up the bottom line many corporations routinely terminate long-term employees, cut benefits, and pile more work on already overworked employees. Sometimes medical treatment is unavailable for those who cannot afford health insurance. Homelessness and poverty blight our cities. Far too many senior citizens feel rejected by the younger generation and even by their own children. Is it any wonder we hear the plaintive cry, “Doesn’t anybody care anymore?

Jesus cares. When He graced our planet with His presence two thousand years ago, He was moved with compassion when He saw multitudes wandering hopelessly and helplessly through life. They resembled sheep without a shepherd. So He invited people of all ages to come to Him. He promised He would not drive away anyone who would come to Him (John 6:37).

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who tends the wounds of His hurting sheep, provides green pastures for them, and leads them beside quiet waters (John 10:11; Psalm 23:2). He doesn’t abandon them when they grow old or need individual attention. He promised, “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b).

Indeed, the world may seem impersonal and uncaring, but Jesus relates to each of His followers in a personal, caring way.

—By Jim Dyet, Copyright © 2007, The Anchor

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