It’s a fable, but it makes a good point.
A hen and a hog had been driving since 4:00 A.M. along Route 66 in the early 1060s. They were hungry and anxious to find a place to have breakfast. At last, they saw a roadside café with a flashing neon sign that advertised “Ham & Eggs.” The hog pulled the ’59 Mustang into the café’s parking lot and parked.
“Just a minute,” the hen cautioned the hog, “I don’t think I want to eat here.”
“Why not? The hog asked.
“Because the sign advertises ‘Ham & Eggs,’ “not Eggs & Ham. How do you rate the top billing?”
Motioning the hen to exit the car, the hog replied, “Think of it this way. For you, it is just a contribution, but for me, it’s total commitment.”
Christian living is not supposed to be simply a contribution. It involves total commitment. Can we embrace the apostle Paul’s philosophy of life? He stated: “The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).