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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Herbert Lockyer Jr

While reading the obituaries in this morning’s issue of The Gazette, I saw that my favorite teacher at Moody Bible Institute, Herbert Lockyer Jr. passed away June 7, here in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He was just two months shy of 97. I assumed he had died years ago, but the Lord must have kept him on earth this long for a purpose.

Mr. Lockyer’s father wrote several books including, All the Men of the Bible, All the Miracles of the Bible, All the Promises of the Bible, All the Parables if the Bible, and All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible. He was also a popular Bible conference speaker. Herbert Jr is best remembered as a teacher at Moody, its alumni director for several years, and a minister. I remember him best as my Old Testament Synthesis teacher during my first semester at Moody.

I was a fairly new believer when I sat under Mr. Lockyer’s teaching, so I knew practically nothing about the Old Testament. But Mr. Lockyer brought me up to speed, and did so in an entertaining manner. He spoke with a bit of a Scottish accent, which appealed to me because I was Scottish born and had a Scottish upbringing. After only a few class sessions, I was able to impersonate Mr. Lockyer quite well. His teaching also appealed to me because it combined information and inspiration. He understood from personal experience the challenges and privileges of Christian service.

Now Herbert Lockyer Jr is basking in the presence of his Lord and Savior and enjoying heaven’s eternal pleasures and activities. I am thankful for his influence on my life, and I hope he greets me someday in heaven with an unforgettable trace of a Scottish accent.