Large hail pummeled our house and neighborhood Sunday night. Monday night was calm, but another horrific hailstorm struck us Tuesday night. Ping-pong size hail slammed against our house, tore through a window screen, and smashed our solar address box. Our insurance agent has offered to send someone to inspect the roof.
Hailstorms can rankle nerves as well as wreck property, so I can scarcely imagine how frenzied earth-dwellers will become when the seventh bowl judgment of the tribulation period occurs. It will hurl “great hail from heaven upon men” (Revelation 16:21). Each hailstone will weigh about 100 pounds. Ouch!
But even 100-pound hailstones will not break down the hardness of the human heart. Revelation 16:21 reports, “Men blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, since that plague was exceedingly great.”
I hope Colorado never sees another hailstorm, but I might as well hope for five-cents-a-gallon gas prices. As long as cool mountain air collides with the plains’ hot, dry air, an occasional hailstorm is inevitable. However, I won’t experience the devastating hailstorm Revelation 16:21 predicts. At that time, I will be in Heaven, where conditions are always favorable and my home is eternally indestructible (1 Peter 1:3-4).