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Friday, October 1, 2010

Par-don My English

Sometimes the English language doesn’t make sense. The words, good and hot, may have nothing to do with temperature. Far out may have nothing to do with distance. Space cadet may not identify a person studying to be an astronaut. A blast often refers to a good time, not an explosion. And grass may mean something entirely different from what we see on our lawns.

Often, the golf term par doesn’t make sense when we apply it to non-golfing situations. A teacher may write on a report card: “Johnny’s work has not been up to par recently.” Taken at face value, this report would mean Johnny’s work has been outstanding. After all if a golf score is not up to par, it is below par and, therefore, outstanding. A Father’s Day card may read: “Dad, when it comes to fathers, you are far above par.” Meant to flatter, the term far above par is hardly music to a golfer’s ears. And who hasn’t shrugged and sighed that a string of bad circumstances is par for the course. How can a string of bad circumstances be such a good thing as par for the course?

God’s words, written in the Bible, are consistent with His character. He is truthful (Deuteronomy 32:4); His words are truthful. He is wise (Jude 25); His words impart wisdom (Psalm 119:98). He is faithful (Deuteronomy 7:9); His words are faithful (Psalm 119:86, 138; Titus 1:9). He is the author of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33); His Word is the agent of peace (Psalm 119:165). He is the Creator of life (Genesis 1:1); His Word generates spiritual life (1 Peter 1:22, 23). God says what He means and means what He says.

Read Psalm 119:97-104, and expect God’s words to direct you in the right way. His words are par for the course any day and every day!