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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Life After 90

Yesterday, Gloria and I attended a birthday lunch to honor three former members of a church I had served as senior pastor. Two are 92; one is 93. Each of them lives alone and pursues a fairly independent lifestyle. One still drives. The other two decided only recently to stop doing so.

Living beyond 90 is quite a feat. But living faithfully for the Lord and manifesting joy at that age is not only a remarkable accomplishment but also a testimonial to His sovereign will and goodness. Ultimately, the Lord determines the length of time we spend on earth, but each of us is responsible for what we put into the time.

If I live to 90, I hope I can still sit up and take nourishment. More importantly, I hope I can nourish the lives of others. Moses alluded to life’s days in Psalm 90. Here are two excerpts: (1) Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom; and (2) Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days” (verses 12, 14).

Happy birthday, Enid, Bob, and Pearl!

On a personal note: I finished writing my second book for golfers and sent it to a literary agent yesterday.

1 comment:

Jim Marr said...


Best wishes on the success of your second book for golfers. Although I'm not a golfer, I can imagine there are a lot of great "life applications" involving that challenging game!

God Bless,