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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Big Bang Event

Yesterday afternoon I wrote about trials. Last night I experienced one. I was driving home on a busy road when a driver swerved into my lane and sideswiped my car. To make matters worse, he didn’t pull over and stop. He sped away. Unfortunately, because it was dark and I was focused on pulling into a safe spot, I didn’t get a license plate number or a clear look at the car that hit me.

The damage? The back door on the driver’s side is severely dented; the front door is slightly dented.

In response to my 911 call. a police officer arrived within two minutes to check on my condition. I was okay. Soon, another officer arrived and wrote a hit-and-run report. I assume the driver that hit me was drunk, texting, talking on his cell phone, driving without insurance, or driving without a license. Such bad driving habits are not rare.

I have an appointment at an insurance claims office tomorrow morning, and I expect the estimated repair cost to be HIGH. I will have to kick in the deductible. At least I won’t be filling the gas tank when my car is in the body shop.

Why do “bad” things happen to Christians? Read yesterday’s blog, and stay tuned to learn the estimated repair cost.

Stay safe out there!

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