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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Repairs, $2,000. Joy, Priceless

The damage to the driver’s side of my car was more extensive than I thought. The claims office and body shop found damage not only to the doors but also to the fenders. The repairs will cost almost $2,000. So Allstate Insurance and I will split the cost. My deductible is $1,000. Frankly, I’m surprised the body shop can fix the damage for that amount and guarantee the repairs for as long as I own the car.

Now, here’s the rub—my car will be in the shop for two weeks, and my policy doesn’t provide for a rental car.

A soldier was at the claims office when I was. His car was in a parking lot when someone struck it and then took off. The claims adjustor told me at least half the claims she processes involve hit and run cases. What does that fact say about drivers in Colorado Springs?

Ironically—or is it by divine design?—I’m starting a study of the book of James at tonight’s midweek service. If you know the book of James, you realize the opening topic is “trials.” James wrote that we should count it all joy when we fall into various trials. I won’t exactly be jumping for joy tonight, but I have joy nonetheless. Here are a few reasons:

• The Lord protected me from bodily injury.
• My car is still drivable.
• I will save on gas when the car is in the body shop for two weeks.
• I didn’t wash the car before the accident.
• The Lord uses trials to approve my faith.
• With the exception of the hit and run driver, everyone involved in sorting things out was extremely friendly and helpful: the police officers, my insurance agent, the claims adjuster, and the body shop repairs estimator.

Monday, I have to appear for jury duty. Won't it be ironic if I end up in a hit and run trial? On second thought, it won’t happen. I have a certain bias!!!

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